News 2022

19 Dec 2022   Bob Thacker

It is with great sadness that I have to advise of the death of Bob Thacker after a long illness.


Bob was County President in 1993 and was a highly regarded bowler in Norfolk and beyond winning many County titles as well as being an integral member of the County’s Middleton Cup Team. Bob also served his Club, Wymondham Dell as both a player and officer with distinction over many years.


I am sure you will join me in offering condolences to his wife Elsie and family.


Funeral details have still to be confirmed.


John Ottaway

Men’s Secretary

13th December 2022


7 Dec 2022     CLUB UPDATE - 2022 AGM; County League 2023 Zones; Bowls England 2023 National Competitions & Championships

            Norfolk Bowls Association

CLUB UPDATE December 2022

·      2022 Annual General Meeting

·      County League Zones for the 2023 Season

·      Bowls England National Championship & Competition update




Following the AGM held on 4th December, this is just a note to confirm the key business conducted namely:-



Barney Wymer (Freethorpe) was installed as President for 2023 with Derek Ryder becoming Senior Vice President by succession and Chris Reynalds (Downham Market Conservatives) appointed Junior Vice President.


All other Officers were appointed in accordance with the Agenda with the Press Officer & Child Protection/Safeguarding Officer positions vacant. There is someone interested in the Child Protection/Safeguarding Officer position and this will be taken forward but if you know of anyone interested in that of Press Officer then please let me know.



All 4 motions on the Agenda were passed so in summary this means:-

·       Area finals of individual County Championships will be played on a home or away basis per the draw, as in earlier rounds with the quarter finals onwards played on neutral greens selected by the Competition Secretary.

·       The Bales Cup, Lord Fermoy Cup & Jermy Cup will now be played over 18 ends (the County League will continue as over 21 ends)

·       The playing of an extra end in the Lord Fermoy Cup final has been clarified

·       Middleton Cup & Eastern Counties League flashes will no longer be presented but County badges will continue to be presented but at a cost to the recipient.


The relevant Rules & Regulations will be updated and posted to the website shortly.



At the League AGM, Mark Elliott presented the proposed County League Zone structure for the 2023 season and this is shown below. Whilst most Clubs have submitted entries, these do not close until 15th January so the structure is subject to change should further entries be made in the meantime. If you have any comments on the structure then please pass these to Mark Elliot as soon as possible.








County League format for 2023 Season

(Updated 25th November 2022)




Premier League                             Central                                    East 1                            

Norfolk BC A                                        Mundford                                   Caister A                        

County Arts A                                      G W Staniforth                           Norwich Union     

Downham Mkt A                                 Dereham St Nicholas                Martham                      

Wymondham A                                   Hingham Rec                              County Arts B        

Acle A                                                    Aldiss Park                                  Gt Plumstead

Wootton Park                                      Shipdham                                   Freethorpe B

Freethorpe A                                       Watton                                        R G Carter                                                                   

St Lawrence                                                                                                                                                                                                 



East 2                                              North                                      South 1                      

Thorpe Rec                                         Suffield Park                                Gissing

North Walsham                                  Fakenham                                   Diss

Bradwell                                               Lakeside Pilgrims                       Connaught A

Gorleston Links                                   Sheringham Morley                 Harling Rec

Acle B                                                    Cromer                                       Norfolk Bowling Club B                                                                                                       

Caister B                                        Reepham Nomads                Dickleburgh



South 2                                           West 1                                     West 2                          

Norfolk Bowling Club C                     Upwell                                         Hunstanton A

Wicklewood                                        Castle Acre                                  Hunstanton CP

Long Stratton                                     Shouldham A                              Hunstanton B

Connaught B                                       Swaffham                                   West Winch

Scole                                                     Downham Mkt B                       Northwold    

Wymondham B                                   Kings Lynn                                  Shouldham B

                                                              Downham Cons A                     Downham Cons B





At the AGM, I mentioned the 2023 Bowls England National Championships & Competitions. Clubs have been advised direct by Bowls England that the 2023 National Competition entries are now open via a similar email to that shown below. For clarification, I would confirm that the National Competitions are:-



·       National Top Club Competition (Men’s & Women’s)

·       National Club Two Fours Competition (Men)

·       Tony Allcock Trophy National Club Over 60s Double Rink Competition (Mixed)



·       National Family Pairs Competition

·       National Champion of Champions Singles Competition (Men’s & Women’s)

·       National Senior Singles and Pairs Competition (Men’s & Women’s)

·       National Mixed Pairs Competition

·       National Mixed Fours Competition


No doubt, you will be considering entries to the Inter-Club Competitions and passing details to your members for the individual Competitions though if they have previously entered these they will have received details direct from Bowls England.


From the email you will have received, there are links to the Bowls England website which sets out details and proposals for the 2023 National Competitions, National Championships and the National Finals but for ease of access, the link that takes you to these is:-


I would urge you to take a look at these as they contain some key proposals which will be submitted to Bowls England AGM in February upon which our County Delegate to the AGM will be required to vote. The key points from the proposals are:


The County Management Committee will be considering the proposals and should you have any comments or views on what is being proposed then please let me have these so they can be taken into account.


John Ottaway

Hon. Men’s Secretary

December 2022



8 Nov 2022     Notice of 2022 County League AGM and proposed League Structure of the 2023 Season



NOTICE is hereby given that the NORFOLK BOWLS ASSOCIATION COUNTY LEAGUE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will take place on Sunday 4th December 2022 at County Arts Bowls Club, Plumstead Road East, Norwich (immediately following the Men’s AGM)




1.    Introduction by Chairman


2.    Apologies


3.    Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 5th December 2021 (attached)


4.    Matters arising


5.    Motions - NONE


6.     Hon. League Secretary’s Report (attached)


7.    Election of Officers to League Management Committee (League rules 4 & 5).


As elected by Men’ Management Committee:-

·       President – Barney Wymer  (Freethorpe BC)

·       Hon. Men’s County Secretary – John Ottaway (Wymondham Dell BC)

·       Hon. League Secretary – Mark Elliott (Acle St Edmunds BC)


a)    Chairman – Mick Hayden – (North Walsham Warriors BC)

b)    Vice Chairman –  Barney Wymer (Freethorpe BC)

c)     League Management Committee – Officers elected by the Men’s Management Committee as above plus League Zone representatives as follows:-

·       Premier           - Charlie Boon (Norfolk BC)

·       North               - Bill Brodie (Cromer Suffield Park BC)

·       East 1              - Jerry Smith (County Arts BC)

·       East 2              - Mick Hayden (North Walsham warriors BC)

·       South 1           - Michael Howard (Diss & District BC)

·       South 2           - vacant

·       Central            - Barry Cocks (Aldiss Park)

·       West 1             - vacant

·       West 2             - Chris Reynalds (Downham Market Conservatives BC)


8.    League structure/fixture dates for 2023


9.    Any other business


Norfolk Bowls Association


County League format for 2023 Season


Premier League                              Central                                        East 1                            

Norfolk BC A                                      Mundford                                   Caister A                        

County Arts A                                     G W Staniforth                           Norwich Union     

Downham Mkt A                                 Dereham St Nicholas                 Martham                       

Wymondham Dell A                            Hingham Rec                             County Arts B        

Acle A                                                  Aldiss Park                                 Gt Plumstead

Wootton Park                                       Shipdham                                   Freethorpe B

Freethorpe A                                        Feltwell                                      R G Carter                                                                   

St Lawrence                                                                                                                                                                                                


East 2                                              North                                       South 1                      

Thorpe Rec                                         Suffield Park                              Gissing

North Walsham                                  Fakenham                                   Diss

Bradwell                                             Lakeside Pilgrims                      Connaught A

Gorleston Links                                  Sheringham Morley                  Harling Rec

Acle B                                                Cromer                                       Norfolk BC B                                                                                                      

Caister B                                             Reepham Nomads                     Dickleburgh

                                                            Cawston                                    Norfolk Bowling Club C                                                                                                                           


South 2                                            West 1                                    West 2                          

Watton                                                Upwell                                       Hunstanton A

Wicklewood                                       Castle Acre                                Hunstanton Cliff Parade

Long Stratton                                     Shouldham A                             Hunstanton B

Connaught B                                      Swaffham                                  West Winch

Scole                                                   Downham Mkt B                      Northwold    

Wymondham Dell B                          Kings Lynn                                Shouldham B

Shotford                                             Downham Cons A                     Downham Cons B


 As at 1st November 2022 and will be finalised once all entries have been received      



28 Oct 2022   NOTICE of AGM/AGENDA – Sunday 4thDecember 2022


Norfolk Bowls Association Men’s Annual General Meeting


In accordance with NORFOLK BOWLS ASSOCIATION Men’s Rule 2 Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on

SUNDAY 4th December 2022 at 9.30am






1)    Apologies for absence


2)    Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 5th December 2021


3)    Matters Arising


4)    Hon. Men’s Secretary Report


5)    Hon. Men’s Treasurer Report


6)    Report on Benevolent Fund from Hon. Men’s Treasurer


7)    Reports from other Officers:

a)    Hon. Match Secretary – David Naunton

b)    Hon. Competition Secretary – John George

c)     Hon. League Secretary – Mark Elliott

d)    Press Officer – John Ottaway

e)    Middleton Cup Manager – Mark Turner

f)      Visiting Tourists Liaison Officer – Barney Wymer


8)    Notice of Motions

a)    Lord Fermoy Cup - clarification on the playing of an extra end -

            Motion proposed by NBA Men’s Management Committee


b)    Bales Cup, Lord Fermoy Cup & Jermy Cup – number of ends to be reduced from 21 ends to 18 ends

            Motion proposed by County Arts BC


c)    Area finals of individual County Championships  - to be played on a home/away basis and not at a neutral venue

            Motion proposed by Norfolk BC


d)    County Match Regulations – dress code & award of County badge, Middleton Cup/Eastern Counties League flashes & award to players having played 100+ Middleton Cup matches

            Motion proposed by NBA Men’s Management Committee


9)    Election of Officers

a)    President – Barney Wymer  (Freethorpe BC) (by succession)

b)    Senior Vice President – Derek Ryder (Harling Rec BC) (by succession)

c)     Junior Vice President – Chris Reynalds (Downham Conservatives BC) (nominated by Downham Market Conservatives BC)

d)    Chairman of Management Committee - Alan Willer (Hingham Rectory BC) (nominated by Hingham Rectory BC)

e)    Hon. Secretary - John Ottaway  (Wymondham Dell BC) (nominated by Wymondham Dell BC)

f)      Hon. Assistant Secretary - John Mason (County Arts BC) (nominated by County Arts BC)

g)    Hon. Treasurer - David Naunton (Wymondham Dell  BC) (nominated by Wymondham Dell BC)

h)    Hon. Match Secretary - David Naunton (Wymondham Dell  BC) (nominated by Wymondham Dell BC)

i)      Hon. Assistant Match Secretary - Barney Wymer (Freethorpe BC) (nominated by  Management Committee)

j)      Hon. Competition Secretary - John George (Wymondham Dell BC) (nominated by Wymondham Dell BC)

k)     Hon. League Secretary - Mark Elliott (Acle St Edmunds BC) (nominated by Acle St Edmunds BC)


10) Appointment by the Men’s Management Committee

a)    Authorised Representative to  Bowls England - John Ottaway  (Wymondham Dell BC)


11) Non-Management Committee Appointments

a)    Press Officer – no nomination received

b)    Visiting Tourist Liaison Officer - Barney Wymer (Freethorpe BC) (recommendation of Management Committee)

c)     County Tour Manager - Brian Howes (Norfolk BC)  (recommendation of Management Committee)

d)    Greens Inspection Committee - no nominations received

e)    Greens Maintenance Advisory Officer - Brian Taylor (County Arts BC) (nominated by County Arts BC)

f)      Eastern Counties Bowling Association Co-ordinator - Don Whyatt (Downham Market BC) (recommendation of Management Committee)

g)    Child Protection Officer – no nomination received

h)    Webmaster – Chris Evans (Gorleston Links BC) (recommendation by Management Committee)

i)      County Coach - to be confirmed

j)      County Umpire Co-ordinator - Roger Jarvis (Martham BC)  (recommendation of Management Committee) 


12) Group Appointments as appointed by the Groups

a)    Group Representatives:-

Group 1 - John Mason

Group 2 - Roger Greef

Group 3 - Malcolm Struthers

Group 4 - Andrew Howlett


13) Election of Benevolent Fund Committee:

Secretary - John Ottaway

Treasurer - David Naunton

Committee - Ken Ince, John Mason (recommendation of Management Committee) 

(the Trustees are Malcolm Nicholson, Richard Church & Brian Howes)


14) Appointment of Examiner of Accounts  - Aston Shaw


15) Election of Honorary Life Member – Harry Geary (Dereham St Nicholas) President 2022


Following the meeting there will be an “open forum” allowing delegates & officers to raise any matters.


The County League Annual General Meeting will follow the “open forum”.





Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

11 Sep 2022   Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


Norfolk Bowls Association expresses deep sadness on the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, patron of Bowls England.


Our sincere and deepest sympathies are with her family at this saddest of times and we join the nation in mourning and remember Her Majesty’s unwavering commitment, dedication & service not only to our nation but to the Commonwealth as well.


Rest in peace & God save the King.


28 Aug 2022   Hansells League Cup Results.


Semi finals

Great Plumstead 62 v Swaffham Town 62

Great Plumstead won by 2.5 Points to Swaffham town 1.5 Points.


Norfolk Bowling Club 71 v Downham Cons 50

Norfolk Bowling Club 4 Points Downham Cons 1 Point



Norfolk Bowling Club 71 v Great Plumstead 50

Norfolk Bowling Club 4 Points Great Plumstead 1 Point


 26 Aug 2022  Jermy Cup final & Hansells Cup play offs.


Norfolk BC retain the Jermy Cup and Hansells Cup finals to take place



Jermy Cup

Norfolk BC added to their season’s trophy haul when they lifted the Jermy Cup at RG Carter Group BC on Sunday by beating Caister BC in the final by 71 shots to 40 thereby retaining the trophy and taking the title for the 5th time


In the earlier semi-finals, Norfolk BC beat Downham Market whilst Caister beat Gorleston Links.




Norfolk BC 64 Downham Market 45

Caister 65 Gorleston Links 52



Norfolk BC 71 Caister 52



Hansells Cup

The last of the County silverware will be decided on Saturday (27th August) when the play-offs for the Hansells Cup take place at Wymondham Dell BC.


In the semi-finals, starting at 10.00am Great Plumstead take on Swaffham Town whilst Norfolk BC ‘C’ play Downham Conservatives with the final following at 2.00pm approx.


22 Aug 2022   President’s County Tour 2023

The President’s County Tour is planned to take place again in 2023, based in Clacton-on-Sea from Monday 15th to Friday 19th May.


Anyone who is interested in joining the tour, hosted by our 2023 President, Barney Wymer, should contact the Tour Manager, Brian Howes on  01603 454257 or 07880 793600



16 Aug 2022   Norfolk BC win Bales Cup; Acle St Edmunds promoted to Premier League & ECL defeat for Norfolk.


Bales Cup

Norfolk BC added to their trophy haul when the won the Club Championship for the Bales Cup by beating Wymondham Dell in the final played at the Dell. They won by 74 shots to 48 and retained the trophy after their win in 2021


Rink scores

John Colcombe, Karl Brooks, Mark Riches & James Segolo 22

Geoff Batley, Roger Guy, John Ottaway & Peter Roseblade 19


Aaron Stimpson, Nick Slater, Matt Flatman & Richard Summers 21

Adie Fox, Andy Richmond, Tony Dunton & Gary Goodrum 10


John Tufts, Ian Wones, Tom Segolo & Wayne Willgress 31

Jack Adcock, Peter Harlow, Barry Flatt & Ali Stevenson 10



WP Baker Cup League play-offs

Acle St. Edmunds BC  will be promoted to Premier League next season having won the League play-offs for the WP Baker Cup and will replace Thetford GW Staniforth who will be relegated to the regional zones.


At a sun drenched Thorpe Rec both semi-finals were close & fluctuating affairs with Norfolk BC’ B’ defeating RG Carter Group BC whilst Acle St Edmund overcame Shipdham.


In the final Acle took an early lead and although Norfolk BC hit back, Acle held firm to win by 11 shots and take the trophy and the coveted Premier League slot.


Match scores



Norfolk BC ‘B’ 61 RG Carter Group BC 46

Acle St Edmunds BC 59 Shipdham BC 46



Norfolk BC ‘B’ 47 Acle St. Edmunds 58


Eastern Counties League

In their final match in the Eastern Counties League Norfolk fell to defeat against local rivals Suffolk at Wymondham Dell by 110 shots to 122. Norfolk finished the league in 5th position with the title going to Essex.



Rink scores

Geoff Batley, Matt Fox, Richie Bly & Chris Rowe 22 Danny Twyman 24

John Tufts, Michael Tufts, Chris Willgress & Wayne Willgress 13 Peter Hurren 24

Rob Bunting, Chris Gaul, Aaron Stimson & Aaron Johnson 23 Ali Leeks 14

Jack Adcock, Gary Goodrum, Roger Guy & Richard Haydon 10 Mark Cole 24

Lee Potter, Mark Turner, Jack Larter & David Lamb 16 Andrew Drummond 24

Harry Geary, Derek Ryder, Peter Cottee & Harry Geary 26 Gordon Ball 20


9 Aug 2022    County league & Fermoy cup titles decided

Freethorpe take Premier League crown, County Arts lift the Lord Fermoy Cup & Bales Cup finalists decided.


Freethorpe are the new County Premier League champions. In a thrilling end to the season, the title went to the final match of the season where Freethorpe entertained nearest challengers, Norfolk BC


Going into the match Norfolk BC led the league table by 2½ points but Freethorpe secured a thrilling 4-1 victory to take the title by the narrowest of margins, ½ point. The title was Freethorpe’s first since 2001 and ended Norfolk BC’s sequence of 9 successive league titles.


The Regional Zones have also come to their conclusion with the winners as follows:

Central Zone 1 – Shipdham

East Zone 1 – Acle St Edmund

East Zone 2 – Great Plumstead

North Zone 1 – RG Carter Group

South Zone 1 – Norfolk BC ‘B’

South Zone 2 – Harling Rec

West Zone 1 – Shouldham ‘A’

West Zone 2 – Swaffham Town ‘A’


The Zone 1 winners will play off for the WP Baker Cup and a place in the Premier League.

In the preliminary round match to be played on Wednesday 10th August at Aldiss Park, Norfolk BC play Shouldham and this is followed by the semi-finals and final at Thorpe Rec BC on Sunday 14th August from 10.00am.


The Zone 2 winners along with Norfolk BC ‘C’, the best Zone 2 runner up will play off for the Hansells Cup at Wymondham Dell on Saturday 27th August from 10.00am



On the night following their Premier League title success, Freethorpe featured in the final of the Club Two Fours championship for the Lord Fermoy Cup where they played County Arts at Thorpe Rec. BC. It was the Arts that took the title with a narrow three shot victory taking the title for a record 16th time.


Rink scores (County Arts names first):-

Dan Mills, Mike Steppings, Ian McEwan & Andy King 27 Ashley Smith, Shane Mitchell, Tom Cooper & Matt Carter 14


Lee Potter, Mick Brown, Ian Groves, Jack Larter 14 Dan Seabourne, Adam Carter, Barney Wymer & David Smith  24





The final of the Club Championship for the Bales Cup to be played on Friday 12th August at Wymondham Dell will be between the current holders, Norfolk BC and Wymondham Dell.


In the semi-finals, Caister’s fine run came to an end when they were well beaten by Norfolk BC by 79 shots to 48. The other semi-final was a much tighter affair, with Wymondham Dell always a few shots in front of RG Carter Group and finally getting home 58-51


Semi-final results

Norfolk BC 79 Caister 48

N. Slater, I.Wones, K. Brooks & T. Segolo 26 R.Pope, J. Norfolk, M Hart & R. Lamb 16

J. Colcombe, S. Johnson, M. Flatman & J. Segolo15 D.Stamp, G. Gardiner, K. Cooke & G. Punchard 21

C. West, A. Stimpson, M. King & M. Riches 38 R. Lamb, S. Greenwood, R. Fox & D. Lamb 11


Wymondham Dell 58 RG Carter Group 51

G. Batley, B. Elvin, R. Guy & J. Ottaway 18 P. Allard, C. Hipperson, J. Hunter & M. Hunter15

A. Fox, A. Richmond, A. Dunton & G. Goodrum 22 D. Smith, D. Cole, P. Glover & P. Webb 19

J. Adcock, P. Harlow, B. Flatt & A. Stevenson 18 T. Parke, M. Buttifant, J. Groves & K. Breame 17




9 Aug 2022    County Finals

The remaining finals of the 2022 County Championships were held at County Arts over the weekend with bowlers from Norfolk BC dominating proceedings.


Richard Summers took three titles. In the fours, partnered by John Tufts, Matt Flatman & Wayne Willgress they beat the Freethorpe quartet skipped by David Smith,

20-11, in a match they led from the first end. For Willgress it was his 7th fours title & for Tufts his 5th. Then in the triples along with Tufts & Willgress, they beat Downham Market’s Peter Boldero’s threesome by the comfortable margin of 20 shots to 7.


Mervyn King partnered Richard Summers to the Pairs title with a last end victory over club-mates, Tom & James Segolo. For King it was his first County title since 2002 and his first success in the Pairs thereby joining the exclusive group of bowlers who have lifted the 4 premier individual County titles and was joined in this group by John Tufts following his victory in the triples.


The blue riband Singles title went to Aaron Johnson of Norfolk BC winning the title for the first time. Johnson was always in control and went on to a comfortable 21-12 victory over Wymondham Dell’s Peter Roseblade for whom it was a second successive defeat in the final. Roseblade does have the consolation reaching the National Finals in the Senior Singles following success at the Regional finals played last week at St. Neots BC.


The other final played saw Ian Groves of County Arts won his first County title by taking the 2 bowl singles crown by beating St Lawrence’s Andy Hailes 18 -8.




Aaron Johnson (Norfolk BC) 21

Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC) 12



Ian Groves (County Arts BC) 18

Andy Hailes (St. Lawrence BC) 8



Mervyn King & Richard Summers (Norfolk BC) 16

Tom Segolo & James Segolo (Norfolk BC) 14



John Tufts, Richard Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) 20

Max Harrison, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero (Downham Market BC) 7



John Tufts, Matt Flatman, Richards Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) 20

Dan Seabourne, Tom Cooper, Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC) 11


All winners now go on to represent Norfolk at the Bowls England National Championships at Victoria Park Royal Leamington Spa at end August/early September along with the winners of Junior Singles, Junior Pairs & Seniors, the finals for which having been played earlier in the season.


6 Aug 2022    County Team Championship Finals

The semi-final results of the Bales cup played at RG Carter, Wymondham Dell beat RG Carter 58 shots to 51, and Norfolk Bowling Club beat Caister by 79 shots to 47, so it will be Wymondham Dell versus Norfolk Bowling Club final played on the 12th of August at Wymondham dell.


In the Jermy Cup which is played on Sunday 21st August at 10:00 the semi Finalist are Norfolk Bowls Club verses Downham Market and Caister verses Gorleston Links, then Final be in the afternoon all at R G Carters


1 Aug 2022    County Championship Finals on 6th/7th August + Semi-final results


Norfolk BC players will dominate the finals of the Norfolk Bowls Association finals following the semi-finals played over the last week.


Richard Summers features in three finals – Pairs, Triples & Fours where he will be partnered by Mervyn King in the Pairs, John Tufts & Wayne Willgress in both Triples & Fours and with Matt Flatman in the Fours. In the pairs Summers & King meet Club colleagues, the Segolo twins, in the Triples, Peter Boldero’s trio from Downham Market and in the Fours, the Freethorpe quartet skipped by David Smith.


There will be a new name on the blue riband Singles trophy with the final between last year’s runner-up Peter Roseblade, from Wymondham Dell & Norfolk BC’s Aaron Johnson who staged a remarkable comeback in the semi-final recovering from 16-6 down to win 21-17.


The County finals will be held over the weekend of 6th & 7th August at County Arts BC with the programme as follows.


Saturday 6th August at 2.30pm


Mervyn King & Richard Summers (Norfolk BC) -v- Tom Segolo & James Segolo (Norfolk BC)


Saturday 6th August at 3.00pm


Aaron Johnson (Norfolk BC) -v- Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC)


Saturday 6th August at 3.30pm


Ian Groves (County Arts BC) -v- Andy Hailes (St. Lawrence BC)


Sunday 7th August at 10.30am


John Tufts, Matt Flatman, Richards Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) –v- Dan Seabourne, Tom Cooper, Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC)


Sunday 7th August at 2.30pm


Max Harrison, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero (Downham Market BC) –v-

John Tufts, Richard Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC)


The winners will represent Norfolk at the Bowls England National Championships to be held at Victoria Park, Royal Leamington Spa at the end of August/early September

Semi-final results



John Tufts, Matt Flatman, Richards Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) 17 Peter Lunt, Ralph Jones, Roger Saxon, Chris Jones (Shouldham BC) 15


Dan Seabourne, Tom Cooper, Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC) 22 Jack Adcock, Barry Flatt, Alistair Stevenson & Gary Goodrum (Wymondham Dell) 9



Max Harrison, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero (Downham Market BC) 23 Jack Larter, Dan Mills & Mark Turner (County Arts BC) 8


John Tufts, Richard Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) 17 John Ottaway, Garry Oakley & Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC) 15



Harry Cater & Peter Chestney (Downham Market BC)) 17 Mervyn King & Richard Summers (Norfolk BC) 22


Tom Segolo & James Segolo (Norfolk BC) 19 Matthew Warnes & Jack Wells (Downham Market BC) 15



Aaron Johnson (Norfolk BC) 21 Alistair Stevenson (Wymondham BC) 17

Gavin Cater (Downham Market BC) 15 Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC) 21



Prior to the County Finals, the final of Lord Fermoy Cup will be held on Thursday 4th August at Thorpe Rec BC with Freethorpe taking on County Arts. Freethorpe will be looking to lift the title for the first time since 2001 whilst County Arts will be seeking a repeat of their last success in 2019

25 July 2022  Dan Mills County Junior Singles Champion, County Championship Quarter Final results & Semi Final details


Dan Mills of County Arts is the 2022 County Junior Singles champion, winning the title for the second time having last won it 2018. In the final, he beat Harry Cater from Downham Market 21-8. In the earlier semi-final Mills needed all his experience to beat Wymondham Dell’s Jack Naunton 21-20.


Cater reached the final by beating defending champion Jack Larter from County Arts 21-8.


Mills now progresses to the National Championship finals were he will be looking to repeat his success in 2018 when he lifted the National title.




Dan Mills (County Arts) 21 Jack Naunton (Wymondham Dell) 20

Harry Cater (Downham Market) 21 Jack Larter (County Arts) 8



Dan Mills 21 Harry Cater 8


The County championships were held over the last week. Richards Summers of Norfolk BC has progressed to three semi-finals, just missing out on a fourth when he was defeated in the singles by last year’s runner up, Peter Roseblade of Wymondham Dell.


Norfolk BC players will feature in each of the Singles, Pairs, Triples & Fours semi-finals which will be held at various venues over the next week, with Downham Market & Wymondham Dell both in three.


The winners of the semi-finals will progress to the County finals over the weekend of 6th/7th August and the winners of these then go on to the Bowls England National Championship finals at Leamington Spa at the end of August through to early September


Semi-final details



Monday 25th July at RG CARTER GROUP BC at 6.30pm


John Tufts, Matt Flatman, Richards Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) -v- Peter Lunt, Ralph Jones, Roger Saxon, Chris Jones (Shouldham BC)


Dan Seabourne, Tom Cooper, Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC) -v- Jack Adcock, Barry Flatt, Alistair Stevenson & Gary Goodrum (Wymondham Dell)



Tuesday 26th July at HARLING RECREATION BC at 6.30pm


Max Harrison, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero (Downham Market BC) - Jack Larter, Dan Mills & Mark Turner (County Arts BC)


John Tufts, Richard Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) -v- John Ottaway, Garry Oakley & Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC)



Thursday 28th July at ALDISS PARK BC at 6.30pm


Harry Cater & Peter Chestney (Downham Market BC)) -v- Mervyn King & Richard Summers (Norfolk BC)


Tom Segolo & James Segolo (Norfolk BC) -v Matthew Warnes & Jack Wells (Downham Market BC)



Friday 29th July at GW STANIFORTH BC at 6.30pm


Aaron Johnson (Norfolk BC) –v- Alistair Stevenson (Wymondham BC)

Gavin Cater (Downham Market BC) –v- Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC)



Quarter final Results



John Tufts, Matt Flatman, Richards Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) 22 Max Harrison, Matt Warnes, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero (Downham Market BC) 12


Peter Lunt, Ralph Jones, Roger Saxon &, Chris Jones & (Shouldham BC) 19 Andrew Cameron, Terry Cator, Steve Roach & John Pleasants (Aldiss Park BC) 17


Dan Seabourne, Tom Cooper, Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC) 22 Martin Ellis, Phil Richards, Charlie Boon & Steve Wells (Norfolk BC) 9


John Gooch, Harry Cater, Gavin Cater & Peter Chestney (Downham Market) 11 Jack Adcock, Barry Flatt, Alastair Stevenson & Gary Goodrum (Wymondham Dell) 15



Max Harrison, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero (Downham Market BC) 25 Roger Saxon, Keith Brand & Keith Camp (Shouldham BC) 13


Jack Larter, Dan Mills & Mark Turner (County Arts BC) 19 Simon Turner, Harry Geary & Terry Frost (Dereham St. Nicholas BC) 12


John Tufts, Richard Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) 28  Mo Moseley, Peter Scarffe & David Prestley (Swaffham Town BC) 13


John Ottaway, Garry Oakley & Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC) 23 Dan Seabourne, Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC) 5



Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC) 8 Mervyn King & Richard Summers (Norfolk BC) 20


Harry Cater & Peter Chestney (Downham Market BC) 15 Peter Scott & Keith Camp (Shouldham BC) 12


Tom Segolo & James Segolo (Norfolk BC) 23 Bob Hall & Alan Willer (Hingham Rectory BC) 14


David Leverington & Adrian Baker (Diss & District BC) 10 Matthew Warnes & Jack Wells (Downham Market BC) 18



Max Harrison (Downham Market BC) 16 Aaron Johnson (Norfolk BC) 21


David Willgress (Upwell BC) 20 Alistair Stevenson (Wymondham BC) 21


Tom Cooper (Freethorpe BC) 11 Gavin Cater (Downham Market BC) 21


Richard Summers (Norfolk BC) 11 Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC) 21




Norfolk’s run in the National Inter County Two Fours Championship for the Balcomb Trophy ended on Sunday

18 July 2022  Media Release

Balcomb Trophy & Bales Cup


Norfolk’s run in the National Inter County Two Fours Championship for the Balcomb Trophy ended on Sunday when they lost in the Area Final at Wellingborough to Essex who now progress to the National Semi-final in Leamington.


The defeat was disappointing as it followed a comprehensive victory over Hertfordshire in the morning semi-final. In the final, Norfolk started well opening a 10 shot lead at five ends only for Essex to hit back strongly over the next few ends to overturn the deficit and they then pulled away for a well-deserved victory. Despite their best efforts, Norfolk could not respond and Essex look a good bet to go on and lift the national title.


Rink scores

Semi-final -v- Hertfordshire

John Tufts, Tom Segolo, James Segolo & Wayne Willgress 25 Tom Muir 14

Max Harrison, Matt Flatman, Sam King & Peter Boldero 21 Gary Warrender 8

RESULT – Norfolk 46 Hertfordshire 22


Final -v- Essex

John Tufts, Tom Segolo, James Segolo & Wayne Willgress 7 Ed Morris 20

Max Harrison, Matt Flatman, Sam King & Peter Boldero 19 Jamie Holmes 24

RESULT – Norfolk 26 Essex 44


With the County Championships now reaching the latter stages, the semi-final has been reached in the Club Championship (Bales Cup). The ties, to be played on Friday 5th August at RG Carter Group BC, see Norfolk BC taking on Caister whilst Wymondham Dell play RG Carter Group.


The quarter finals produced close games with holders Norfolk BC beating Mundford on the last end and Wymondham Dell beating Acle St Edmund by a single shot. The shock of the round however, was Caister overcoming Premier League title contenders Downham Market.


Quarter final results:

Wymondham Dell 62 Acle St Edmund 61

Downham Market 60 Caister 67

Mundford 50 Norfolk 54

RG Carter walkover -v- Upwell

11 July 2022  Media Release -10 July 2022


Norfolk’s hopes in the Middleton Cup ended on Saturday when they lost comprehensively to Leicestershire at Irchester BC, losing by 42 shots and winning on only one rink.


The County fell behind early being 16 shots down at five ends and never recovered with Leicestershire’s lead gradually increasing and going on to a comfortable victory.


Rink scores

Matt Flatman, Ian Wones, Tom Segolo & Wayne Willgress 17 Darren Allsop 34

Aaron Johnson, Aaron Stimson, Mervyn King & Sam King 21 Neil Hope 14

Max Harrison, Jack Wells, Chris Rowe & Peter Boldero 12 Alistair Hollis 14

Tom Baker, Karl Brooks, Andy Siely & James Segolo 15 Chris Moore 23

Jack Larter, Mark Turner, Darren Rowsell & Richard Summers 13 Joe Dawson 29

Rob Bunting, Dan Mills, Matthew Carter & David Smith 17 Shane Hayes 23


Norfolk will need to put this disappointment behind them when they travel to Wellingborough next Sunday in the Regional finals of the National Inter County Two Fours for the Balcomb Trophy. In the semi-final, they take on Hertfordshire. The other semi-final sees Huntingdonshire take on Essex with the two semi-final winners then playing for a place in the National finals in Leamington Spa.


The team selected is:-

Max Harrison, Matt Flatman, Sam King & Peter Boldero

John Tufts, Tom Segolo, James Segolo & Wayne Willgress


The Norfolk County Championships have reached the quarter final stage with these taking place during the week commencing 18th July.


The Fours will be held at Aldiss Park on Monday 18th July with the Triples at Thorpe Rec on Tuesday 19th July with the draws as follows:-


Fours on Monday 18th July at ALDISS PARK BC

John Tufts, Neil Moulton, Richards Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) -v- Max Harrison, Matt Warnes, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero (Downham Market BC)


Ralph Jones, Roger Saxon, Chris Jones & Peter Lunt (Shouldham BC) -v- Andrew Cameron, Terry Cator, Steve Roach & John Pleasants (Aldiss Park BC)


Dan Seabourne, Tom Cooper, Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC) -v- Martin Ellis, Phil Richards, David Jobber & Steve Wells (Norfolk BC)


John Gooch, Harry Cater, Gavin Cater & Peter Chestney (Downham Market) -v- Jack Adcock, Barry Flatt, Alastair Stevenson & Gary Goodrum (Wymondham Dell)


Triples on Tuesday 19th July at THORPE RECREATION BC

Max Harrison, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero (Downham Market BC) -v- Roger Saxon, Keith Brand & Keith Camp (Shouldham BC)


Jack Larter, Dan Mills & Mark Turner (County Arts BC) -v- Simon Turner, Harry Geary & Terry Frost (Dereham St. Nicholas BC)


John Tufts, Richard Summers & Wayne Willgress (Norfolk BC) -v- Mo Moseley, Peter Scarfe & David Prestley (Swaffham Town BC)


John Ottaway, Garry Oakley & Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell BC) -v- Dan Seabourne, Matthew Carter & David Smith (Freethorpe BC)


The Pairs will be played on Thursday 21st July at GW Staniforth with the draw published following the conclusion of the Area Finals.


The Singles will be played on Friday 22nd July at Aldiss Park with the line-up as follows:-


Singles on Friday 22nd July at ALDISS PARK BC

Max Harrison (Downham Market BC) -v- Aaron Johnson (Norfolk BC)

David Willgress (Upwell BC) -v- Alistair Stevenson (Wymondham BC)

Tom Cooper (Freethorpe BC) -v- Gavin Cater (Downham Market BC)

Richard Summers (Norfolk BC) -v- Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dll BC)


04 July 2022  Eastern Counties League victory, Middleton Cup team selection & British Isles Pairs Championship”.



Media release 4th July 2022


Eastern Counties League victory, Middleton Cup v Leicestershire & British Isles Championships


Norfolk continued their good form in the Eastern Counties League when they travelled to Chesterton BC to play Cambridgeshire on Saturday and came away with a victory by 122 shots to 113. The rinks skipped by Aaron Johnson Chris Rowe & Richard Haydon, who returned to the Norfolk team after several years absence, secured victories whilst David Lamb’s rink drew.


Rink scores

Harry Cater, David Wells, Jack Wells & Chris Rowe 23 Tom Hall 16

Geoff Batley, Jack Adcock, Gary Goodrum & Peter Roseblade 11 Scott Walton 22

Colin Warnes, Richie Bly, Kelvin Rayner & Richard Haydon 23 Mark Emery 17

Rob Bunting, Dan Mills, Mick Brown & David Lamb 20 Ian Miller 20

John High, Stephen Johnson, Aaron Stimson & Aaron Johnson 28 Rhys Hill 11

Harry Geary, Mark Elliott, Peter Cottee & Alan Willer 17 Steve Jacobs 27


Attention now turns to the next round of the Middleton Cup where Norfolk play the 2018 champions, Leicestershire at the neutral venue of Irchester BC (Wellingborough) next Saturday with the match starting at 12 noon. With John Tufts not being available and Darren Rowsell returning, Manager Mark Turner has been forced into making changes from the team who beat last year’s finalists, Northamptonshire in the last round.


Leicestershire will be tough opponents but Norfolk will be confident of progressing to the quarter finals.


The team selected is:

Matt Flatman, Ian Wones, Tom Segolo & Wayne Willgress

Aaron Johnson, Aaron Stimson, Mervyn King & Sam King

Max Harrison, Jack Wells, Chris Rowe & Peter Boldero

Tom Baker, Karl Brooks, Mark Riches & James Segolo

Jack Larter, Andy Siely, Darren Rowsell & Richard Summers

Dan Seabourne, Dan Mills, Matthew Carter & David Smith


Reserves: Rob Bunting, Tom Cooper, Mark Turner, Peter Roseblade & David Lamb



The 2022 British Isles Championships were held at Llandrindod Wells BC over the weekend with Norfolk’s 2021 National Champions, John Tufts & Wayne Willgress representing England in the pairs. There was however no British title to add to their English title as they lost agonisingly in the semi-final to the eventual champions, Wales by a single shot, having recovered from a 12 shot deficit.


27 June 2022  Balcomb Trophy success & British Isles Championships


After their Middleton Cup win last weekend, Norfolk continued their good form with victory over Bedfordshire in the Balcomb Trophy (National Inter-County Two Fours Championship) at Sandy Conservatives BC. Norfolk won on both rinks with that skipped by Wayne Willgress by 3 shots and that skipped by Peter Boldero getting home by 2.


Rink scores:

John Tufts, Tom Segolo, James Segolo & Wayne Willgress 22 Grant Osbourne 19

Max Harrison, Matt Flatman, Richard Summers & Peter Boldero 21 Luke Allaway 19


Norfolk now qualify for the Regional finals which will be played on Sunday 17th July at Wellingborough BC, with the winners then qualifying for the National Finals to be held at Victoria Park Leamington Spa on 11th September.




Next week, Norfolk’s English National Pairs Champions, John Tufts & Wayne Willgress are in international action when they will be looking to add the British Isles Pairs championship to their national title at the British Isles Championships which are being held in Wales at Llandridnod Wells BC. In the semi-final, to be played on Friday they meet the winners of the preliminary round match between Jersey and Wales with the final scheduled to be played on Saturday at 9.00am


22 June 2022  Victory in the Middleton Cup, 2022 Junior Pairs Champions & Senior Fours Quarter & Semi-final results

Norfolk progressed to the next round of Middleton Cup with victory over last year’s runners-up Northamptonshire at Brampton Institute BC by a single shot.


Taking an early lead, Norfolk were pegged back by Northants at the half way stage but then took control again to move 17 shots clear with only 6 ends to play across the green. A nervy finish then ensued as one Norfolk rink lost a 7 shot count on their 20th end and as the last end of the match was played, Norfolk led by 7 shots only for the Northants skipped to convert the head to take 6 shots leaving Norfolk victorious by 1.


Star performers for the County was the rink skipped by James Segolo who won by 30 shots with lead Tom Baker in particularly sparkling form. Wayne Willgress also skipped his rink to victory with that skipped by David Smith earning a hard fought draw.


In the next round, Norfolk play Leicestershire, the 2018 champions, with the match to be played on Saturday 9th July at a neutral venue that has still to be decided.


Rink scores:-

John Tufts, Matt Flatman, Tom Segolo & Wayne Willgress 28 William Walker 21

Aaron Johnson, Aaron Stimson, Mervyn King & Sam King 14 Andrew Manton 21

Max Harrison, Jack Wells, Chris Rowe & Peter Boldero 15 David Walker 24

Tom Baker, Karl Brooks, Mark Riches & James Segolo 38 Paul Broderick 8

Jack Larter, Mark Turner, Andy Siely & Richard Summers 11 Connor Cinato 31

Dan Seabourne, Dan Mills, Matthew Carter & David Smith 17 Vernon Geary 17


Match result:

Norfolk 123 Northamptonshire 122


The first of the County Championships was decided on Sunday with Dan Mills & Jack Larter of County Arts BC lifting the Junior Pairs title with victory over Downham Market’s Harry Cater & Matt Warnes at Swaffham Town BC and now go on to represent Norfolk in the Bowls England National Championships to be held at Victoria Park Leamington Spa in August.


In the semi-finals played earlier in the day, County Arts defeated George Cass & Jacob Dowe of Norfolk BC whilst County Arts defeated Wootton Parks, Ryan Hudson & Rhys Morgan.




Semi-final results

Harry Cater & Matt Warnes (Downham Market) 16 Ryan Hudson & Rhys Morgan (Wootton Park) 5


Dan Mills & Jack Larter (County Arts) 22 George Cass & Jacob Dowe (Norfolk BC) 12



Dan Mills & Jack Larter (County Arts) 19 Harry Cater & Matt Warnes (Downham Market) 1




The quarter finals and semi-finals of the Senior Fours were also played on Sunday with John Gooch, Mick King. Peter Chestney & Peter Boldero (Downham Market) progressing to the final where they will meet St. Lawrence’s Mervyn Chapman, Peter Irons, Andy Hailes & Bob Allen.


Quarter final results:

Geoff Batley, Roger Guy, John Ottaway & Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell) 6 Charles West, Robert Hadingham, Mervyn King & Chris Willgress (Norfolk BC) 20


Mervyn Chapman, Peter Irons, Andy Hailes &  Bob Allen (St Lawrence) 23 Ian Groves, Mike Steppings, Alan Chaplin & Steve Carr (County Arts) 12


Paul Slocombe, Ivor Willgress, Graham Jolley & Kevin Shackcloth (Castle Acre Coronation) 18) John Gooch, Mick King. Peter Chestney & Peter Boldero (Downham Market) 23


Paul Cooper, Roger Carr, Peter Church & Clive Wright (Freethorpe) 19 William Cooper, George Wright, Allen Turner & Stanley Grainger (Dereham St. Nicholas) 13


Semi-final results

Charles West, Robert Hadingham, Mervyn King & Chris Willgress (Norfolk BC) 3 John Gooch, Mick King. Peter Chestney & Peter Boldero (Downham Market) 27


Mervyn Chapman, Peter Irons, Andy Hailes &  Bob Allen (St Lawrence) 22 Paul Cooper, Roger Carr, Peter Church & Clive Wright (Freethorpe) 9


The final will be played on Sunday 3rd July at a venue to be decided


15 June 2022     Latest news – White Rose Trophy, Balcomb Trophy, Junior Pairs semi-finals/final & Senior Fours quarter & semi-finals.





Norfolk’s young bowlers slipped to defeat to Suffolk in the National Under-25 double rink White Rose Trophy at County Arts on Saturday by 11 shots. The rink skipped by County Arts Jack Larter lost by 1 shot whilst that skipped by Aaron Johnson from Norfolk BC lost by 10.


Rink scores:

·       Ryan Hudson, Matthew Warnes, Dean Rudling & Aaron Johnson 12 Joe Sims 22

·       Tom Cooper, Harry Cater, Dan Mills & Jack Larter 20 Liam Harris 21




In the Senior National double rink Norfolk travel to Sandy Conservatives BC to play Bedfordshire on Saturday 25th June, starting at 10.30am with the following team selected.


·       Max Harrison, Matt Flatman, Richard Summers & Peter Boldero

·       John Tufts, Tom Segolo, James Segolo & Wayne Willgress


The winners will progress to the regional finals to be played on 17th July.




The County Junior Pairs has reached the semi-final stage with these to be played on Sunday 19th June at Swaffham Town BC. These commence at 10.30am and will be followed by the final.


The semi-final line-ups are:

·       George Cass & Jacob Dowe (Norfolk BC) -v- Dan Mills & Jack Larter (County Arts)

·       Ryan Hudson & Rob Morton (Wootton Park) -v- Harry Cater & Matthew Warnes (Downham Market).


The winners will progress to the Bowls England National Finals to be played at Victoria Park, Leamington Spa in August




The County Senior Fours has reached the quarter final stage with these to be played at Swaffham Town BC on Sunday 19th June. These commence at 10.30am to be followed by the semi-finals. The quarter final line-ups are:-


·       Ian Groves, Mike Steppings, Alan Chaplin & Steve Carr (County Arts) -v- Mervyn Chapman, Allen Batson, Andy Hailes & Bob Allen (St. Lawrence)

·       Paul Cooper, Roger Carr, Ken Taylor & Clive Wright (Freethorpe) -v- William Cooper, George Wright, Alan Turner & Stanley Grainger (Dereham St. Nicholas)

·       Geoff Batley, Roger Guy, John Ottaway & Peter Roseblade (Wymondham Dell) -v- Charles West, Robert Hadingham, Mervyn King & Chris Willgress (Norfolk BC)

·       Paul Slocombe, Paul King, Graham Jolly & Kevin Shackcloth (Castle Acre Coronation) -v- Rocky Lewis, John Gooch, Peter Chestney & Peter Boldero (Downham Market)


7 June 2022       Latest news  Middleton Cup selection; White Rose Trophy selection; Bowls England International selection


 Middleton Cup

In the first round of the Middleton Cup on Saturday 18th June, Norfolk travel to Brampton Institute BC to play Northamptonshire with the match starting at 2.00pm.The the following team selected:

John Tufts, Matt Flatman, Tom Segolo & Wayne Willgress

Aaron Johnson, Aaron Stimson, Mervyn King & Sam King

Max Harrison, Jack Wells, Richard Summers & Peter Boldero

Jack Larter, Dan Mills, Andy Siely & Darren Roswell

Tom Baker, Karl Brooks, Mark Riches & James Segolo

Dan Seabourne, Ian Wones, Matthew Carter & David Smith


Travelling reserves: Mark Turner, Dan Cawthorne, Chris Rowe & David Lamb.


As in 2021, the Middleton Cup will be played on a knock out basis before it reverts to Group stages in 2023. Northamptonshire will but difficult opponents but t e County will be looking to mount a strong challenge after a barren few years.


White Rose Trophy

Ahead of the Middleton Cup, Norfolk’s young bowlers are in action in the National Under 25 Double Rink championship for the White Rose Trophy, when they entertain rivals Suffolk at County Arts on Saturday 11th June at 10.30am with the following selected:

Ryan Hudson, Matthew Warnes, Dean Rudling & Jack Larter

Tom Cooper, Harry Cater, Dan Mills & Aaron Johnson


International Selection

On the international front, a tri-nations International series featuring England, Scotland & Jersey takes place at Victoria Park, Leamington Spa next weekend on the host greens for the forthcoming Commonwealth Games. England are represented by three 5 man teams & having previously featured in the earlier tri-nations series against Australia & Malaysia, Norfolk BC’s Wayne Willgress has earned a well-deserved selection in the England Lions team and will be looking to further his claims for selection for future events.


30 May 2022     Latest news

21st MAY 2022


After disruption caused by the Covid pandemic over the last 2 years the 2022 bowls season will see a full programme of events and the season is now in full swing.


The Norfolk County side has already been in action having played their opening matches in the Eastern Counties League in their build up to the Middleton Cup where Norfolk’s first round match is against Northamptonshire at Brampton Institute BC on 18th June. The Middleton Cup continues as a knock out competition in 2022 before reverting to a Group format in 2023 and Norfolk will be hoping to improve on disappointing campaigns in the last few years.


The first Eastern Counties League match against Bedfordshire at Sandy Conservatives BC, saw then slip to an 18 shot defeat but on Saturday the County entertained Huntingdonshire at County Arts BC and registered their first win of the season, winning by 106 shots to 94.


Norfolk won on 2 of the five rinks with that skipped by David Smith and partnered by Dan Seabourne, Dan Mills & Ian Wones recording a fine 30 shot victory.


Rink scores:

John Tufts, Matt Flatman, David Lamb, Richard Summers 21 Mick Jeapes 9

Dan Seabourne, Dan Mills, Ian Wones, David Smith 36 Martin Frances 6

Aaron Johnson, Aaron Stimson, Dan Cawthorne, Sam King 17 Kieran Morris 21

Jack Larter, Matt Carter, Andy Siely, Darren Rowsell 18 Mike Robertson 20

Noel Jarvis, Karl Brooks, Dean Rudling, Chris Rowe 14 Toby Furzeland 38


The League continues with Norfolk’s next match being against Essex at Braintree BC on the 28th May and following this, Manager Mark Turner will select the teams for the Middleton Cup and also the White Rose & Balcomb Trophy.



30th MAY 2022


In their latest match in the Eastern Counties League Norfolk slipped to an agonising single shot defeat to Essex at Braintree on Saturday losing by 106 shots to 107.


This result along with those in the opening two matches will give Manager food for thought as he considers selection for the first round match in the Middleton Cup against Northamptonshire on 18th June.


In the match against Essex, the rinks skipped by Aaron Johnson & Chris Rowe both won whilst those by Mark Turner & Peter Boldero both suffered single shot defeats. James Segolo earned a hard fought draw and the result was ultimately decided by a 6 shot defeat by the Officers rink.


Rink scores:-

Tom Cooper, Jack Adcock, Karl Brooks & James Segolo 19 Andy Squire 19

Jack Larter, Andy Syder, Matt Carter & Mark Turner 16 Simon Toop 17

Gary Mallett, Alex Deal, Aaron Stimson & Aaron Johnson 20 Karl Lodge 15

Harry Cater, Matthew Warnes, Jack Wells & Peter Boldero 16 Phil Wood 17

Ian Groves, Chris Wells, David Lamb & Chris Rowe 18 Gary Hurley 16

Peter Cottee, Mark Elliott, John George & Alan Willer 17 John Tully 23



30 May 2022     Eastern Counties League Norfolk  v Essex


Match result details





E C League




Braintree BC


5 ends

10 ends

15 ends

18 ends

21 ends


21 ends

18 ends

15 ends

10 ends

5 ends


Senior  rinks

James Segolo












Andy Squire

Mark Turner












Simon Toop

Aaron Johnson












Karl Lodge

Peter Boldero












Phil Wood

Chris Rowe












Gary Hurley






































Executive Rink

Alan Willer












John Tully

Overall TOTAL
















Norfolk Team Details















Tom Cooper



Harry Cater



Peter Cottee


Jack Adcock


Matthew Warnes


Mark Elliott


Karl Brooks


Jack Wells


John George


James Segolo


Peter Boldero


Alan Willer



Jack Larter



Ian Groves


Andy Syder


Jack Wells


Matte Carter


David Lamb


Mark Turner


Chris Rowe



Gary Mallett


Andy Deal


Aaron Stimson


Aaron Johnson


9 May 2022                Eastern Counties League v Bedfordshire

                  Played at Sandy Conservatives BC on 7th May 2022






Bedfordshire 20 Norfolk 2



Rink scores

Max Harrison, Harry Cater, Jack Wells, Peter Boldero 13 Stuart Proctor 24

Noel Jarvis, Jack Larter, David Lamb, Darren Rowsell 29 Chris Beard 17

Robert Bunton, Aaron Stimson, Dan Seabourne, Andy Siely 19 Grant Osbourne 22

Ryan Hudson, Tom Cooper, Dan Mills, Richard Summers 19 Andrew Manning 24

Tom Baker, Gary Goodrum, Chris Rowe, Peter Roseblade 19 Rob McGregor 22

Harry Geary, John George, Malcolm Nicholson, Brian Taylor 16 Steve Jennings 24




7 May 2022                         Norfolk Bowls County League Result


Match result details





East Counties League




Sandy Cons


5 ends

10 ends

15 ends

18 ends

21 ends


21 ends

18 ends

15 ends

10 ends

5 ends



Ri Summers












Andrew Manning

Peter Boldero












Stuart Proctor

Darran Rowsell












Chris Beard

Peter Roseblade












Rob McGregor

Andy Siely












Grant Osborme







































Brian Taylor












Steve Jennings

Overall TOTAL
















Norfolk Team Details















Max Harrison



Ryan Hudson



Harry Geary


Harry Cater


Tom Cooper


John George


Jack Wells


Danny Mills


Malcolm Nicholson


Peter Boldero


Ric Summers


Brian Taylor



Noel Jarvis



Tom Baker


Jack Larter


Gary Goodrum


David Lamb


Chris Rowe


Darren Rowsell


Peter Roseblade



Robert Bunting


Aaron Stimson


Dan Seabourne


Andy Siely


























24 April 2022                      Norfolk Bowls Association Men’s Club’s Meeting


The next Men’s Clubs meeting will be held on Sunday 24th April at County Arts BC starting at 10.00am with the Agenda as follows:-




Date: Sunday 24th APRIL 2022

Time: 10.00am

Venue: COUNTY ARTS BC (Norwich)




1.    Introduction & welcome from Chairman (Alan Willer)


2.    Introduction of County Officers in attendance (Alan Willer)


3.    Report & update from Hon. Secretary/Bowls England Delegate (John Ottaway)


4.    Report & update from Hon. Competition Secretary (John George)


5.    Report & update from Hon. League Secretary (Mark Elliott)


  1. Report & update from Hon. Treasurer (David Naunton)


7.    Report & update from Hon. Match Secretary (David Naunton)


8.    Open forum for questions & comments from Club representatives


21 March 2022                    Norfolk Bowls Association Constitution updated


At the AGM held on 20th March 2022, changes to the Norfolk Bowls Association Constitution were adopted and the updated Constitution may be accessed via the <Constitution> page.


In addition, at the AGM, John George was re-appointed as County Administrator for a period of 3 years from March 2021


1 March 2022             main AGM to be held on Sunday 20th March 2022


Annual General Meeting


In accordance with paragraph 10 of the Constitution on the Norfolk Bowls Association,

the Annual General Meeting of the Association with be held on Sunday 20th March 2022 at 10.00am at County Arts BC Plumstead Road East, Norwich NR7 9ND



1.    Chairman’s address


2.    Apologies


3.    To approve the Minutes of the last AGM held on 12th March 2017


4.    Motions

To approve and adopt the amended Constitution as circulated

(proposed by Norfolk Bowls Association Executive Board)

a)    Fees & Subscriptions payment date - paragraph 4(c)

b)    Executive Officer/Administrator term of office – paragraph 5(a)

c)    Administration - paragraphs 10 & 11

d)    Examination of Accounts - paragraph 16(b) & 16(c)


5.    To appoint John George as County Administrator for a period of 3 years from March 2021

(proposed by Norfolk Bowls Association Executive Board)


6.     Any Other Business



John George

County Administrator

Norfolk Bowls Association


Norfolk Bowls Association

Main AGM to be held on Sunday 20th March 2022



The Norfolk Bowls Association Men’s & Ladies sections are governed by the Norfolk Bowls Association Constitution which can be found on the Norfolk Bowls Association website (on the ‘Constitution’ page


Paragraph 10 provides for an Annual General Meeting to be held on or before the 2nd Sunday in March in each year. Due to restrictions in place due to the pandemic, it was not possible to hold an AGM in either 2020 & 2021 but I give notice that the AGM will be held on 20th MARCH 2022 at 10.00am at COUNTY ARTS BC. The Agenda and other paperwork has been issued to all Club Secretaries  but please see the Agenda attached.


The Men’s & Ladies Section AGMs will be unaffected and will continue to be held in accordance with their own rules.


The business to be conducted at AGM is summarised below and is reflected in the Agenda.


Annual General Meetings – various paragraphs

The main item on the Agenda will be some changes to the Constitution. During the pandemic the Executive Board have reviewed the Constitution and have arrived at a conclusion that generally there are no matters that need to be raised at an AGM and are therefore proposing changes to the Constitution so that there is no longer a requirement to hold an AGM but to provide in the Constitution that a Special General Meeting be called at any time by a decision of the Executive Committee or at the request of one or more member clubs of the Association should there be business to conduct.


This major change proposed to the Constitution is significant so it is felt necessary to hold an AGM to give Clubs the opportunity to discuss & vote on the changes and hence the reason why the AGM has been called in March. Attendance at previous AGMs has been poor so if Clubs are unable to attend then Proxy Voting will be allowed whereby Clubs may consider the changes being proposed and vote in absence by proxy. A Delegate for all affiliated Men’s Clubs and also for affiliated Ladies Club shall be entitled to attend and/or cast a proxy vote.


Along with the proposed changes to the requirement to hold an AGM the opportunity has been taken to tidy up the Constitution to reflect how the Association actually functions and other changes are being proposed and these changes are summarised below and will be part of the Agenda when issued:


Paragraph 4 (c) – Fees & Subscriptions

The date for payment of Affiliation Fees has been changed to 30th April to reflect the situation as exists and to enable us to make payment to Bowls England by 31st May in accordance with their Regulations.


NOTE to paragraph 5(a)

The term of office of the Executive Officer & County Administrator will be clarified.


County Administrator

So far as the County Administrator position is concerned, John George holds this Office but his term of appointment ended in March 2021 but he has continued in office during the period of the pandemic due to problems with calling an AGM in 2021. John George is willing to continue for a further 3 year period. This appointment is included on the AGM Agenda. If any Club wishes to make a nomination for this position then please take this up with the Club Secretary.


Paragraph 16 – Annual Accounts

A full audit of our Accounts has not been carried out for several years but a full examination, by suitably qualified persons is carried out annually and it is felt that this is sufficient. Para 16(c) will therefore been amended to reflect this.



John Ottaway

Hon. Men’s Secretary

(on behalf of John George – County Administrator)




27 January 2022                 Senior & Junior Vice Presidents appointed


I am delighted to announce the appointments of Barney Wymer (Freethorpe BC) as 2022 Senior Vice President & Derek Ryder (Harling Rec. BC) as 2022 Junior Vice President. I am sure you will join me in congratulating both on their appointments.


John Ottaway

Hon. Men’s Secretary

24th January 2022