Constitution of Norfolk Bowls
(as adopted at AGM on 20th March 2022)
1. Title.
The Association shall be called
‘Norfolk Bowls Association’ [the Association]
2. Objectives.
The objectives of the Association
shall be:-
to promote, foster
& safeguard the game of outdoor flat green bowls in the County of Norfolk
be a member and guarantor of the company ‘Bowls England’
To adopt and
conform to Bowls England Rules & Regulations and the Crystal Mark Laws of
the Sport (Third Edition) or a subsequent revision issued by World Bowls as
amended for domestic play by Bowls England & the Association
promote, organise and superintend various competitions within the
County of Norfolk for constituent clubs & its members in accordance with
rules and by-laws as approved in the Association Rules and Regulations of each
promote, organise and superintend inter-county matches and friendly
interpret, when called upon by Affiliated Clubs or members thereof, difficult
or doubtful questions of law and practice, and to arbitrate in all disputes
referred to the Association between and among the Affiliated Clubs and to act on all matters of misconduct in accordance with Bowls England
Regulation 9
(g) to provide a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults in
accordance with the Safeguarding Policy of Bowls England
(h) to effectively manage the financial affairs of the Association
to advise on the
preparation and maintenance of greens
to be aware of all
legislation that might relate to outdoor flat green bowling
3. Membership.
(a) Membership will comprise all Existing
Clubs affiliated to the Norfolk County EBA Association and/or the Norfolk
Women’s Bowling Association on the 9th December 2012.
(b) Membership of the Association shall also
be open to Clubs in the County of Norfolk possessing level greens, having banks
and ditches in accordance with World Bowls Laws of The Sport of Bowls and
having been approved by the Association Greens Committee.
(c) Clubs playing on greens connected with
licensed premises must be managed by an Executive Committee, and must have sole
and exclusive use and control of the funds of the clubs and greens on which
they play.
(d) Clubs playing on Municipal, or other
public greens, must possess a permit from the Municipal or other public
authority allowing them the use of rinks for competitive purposes. No club playing or intending to play on a
Municipal or other public green upon which an Affiliated Club or Clubs is or
are playing shall become affiliated to the Association until the existing club
or Clubs using the said green has or have been consulted by the County
Association, and, in the opinion of the Association, has or have offered no
bona fide objection to its affiliation.
(e) Clubs admitted to membership shall be
eligible to enter the Association’s competitions in accordance with Association
Rules and Regulations of each gender as appropriate.
(f) Affiliated Clubs are required to play
all friendly or other matches in accordance with the Association Rules and
Regulations of each gender as appropriate.
4. Fees
and Subscriptions
(a) Every
Club applying for affiliation shall pay the Association a Joining Fee and
as may be fixed from time to time and any Association levy, which may be
agreed at the
Annual Meeting.
b) All affiliated clubs must pay the Annual
Subscription per bowling member as may be determined from time to time by Bowls
England. A bowling member is any member of a club entitled to play on the
(c) The Annual Subscription and Fees shall be
paid no later than 30th April in each year, and any club failing to
pay the subscription by the date named shall forfeit all the rights and privileges
of membership until the whole of the arrears have been discharged.
5. Administration.
The affairs of The Association shall
be managed by
(a) The Executive
Board who will be the members
elected to the following positions, see note below.
1. Executive
2. President Norfolk Bowls
Association (Men)
3. President
Norfolk Bowls Association (Women)
4. Honorary County
5. Honorary Treasurer of
Norfolk Bowls Association (Men).
6. Honorary Treasurer of
Norfolk Bowls Association (Women)
7. Honorary Secretary of Norfolk
Bowls Association (Men)
8. Honorary Secretary of Norfolk
Bowls Association (Women)
9. Bowls England Representative (Men)
10. Bowls England Representative
plus any Executive Officer or Non
Executive Officer as listed in Rule 5(b) requested to attend.
The role, function and
responsibilities of the Executive Board shall be
a) The
Association Constitution
b) Grievances
and Discipline referred by gender management Committees
c) Liaison
with ‘Bowls England’
d) Set
Affiliation and Competition fees in accordance with Norfolk Bowls Association
Constitution Paragraph 4.
e) Pay
Affiliation fees to ‘Bowls England’
f) Annual
and other Special Meetings.
The Executive Officer/Chairperson and Honorary County Administrator shall
be elected each for a period of three
years except for the first period when
the Executive Officer shall serve for a
period of 4 years, and all other positions above shall be ratified after election, within the Association Rules and
Regulations of each gender as appropriate. If the
Executive Officer/Chairperson or
Administrator should be unable to complete their term, the Executive Board
shall have the power to fill the vacancy for the remainder of that term. The formation of the Executive Board
will be reviewed annually
effective date for the beginning of the term of office of the Honorary County Administrator
and the Executive Officer/Chairperson shall be 15 March in any relevant year. Member clubs shall be advised no
later than 1 January in any such year that the office
will be falling vacant and will be asked to submit nominations no later than 1 February. If only a single nomination
is received, the Executive Committee shall declare that person elected, but should more than one nomination be
received, a General Meeting shall
be called by the Executive Committee to determine the outcome. Any nomination must be accompanied by the
written consent of the candidate that he/she is willing to stand.
(b) Non Executive members of the Executive
Board will be County League Chairman, the Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection Officer, County Coach, Youth
Development Officer, Middleton
Cup & Eastern Counties League Manager, Under 30’s Manager, Visiting Tourist
Liaison Officer, Honorary
Benevolent Fund Secretary, Eastern Counties Co-ordinator, County Tour Managers, Press Officers, Green
Maintenance Advisory Officer.
(c) The Board will meet in February of each
year, and at any other time the business of the Association demands. In the absence of the Chairperson, another
member of the Executive Board shall be
elected to conduct the business
(d) Sub Committees
The Executive Board shall be
empowered to establish and appoint sub-committees and working parties for specific purposes from time to time and to
determine the terms of reference
thereof, including to what extent such sub-committees shall have executive powers.
(e) Norfolk
Bowls Association Men’s Management Committee comprising
1) Chairman
2) President
3) Senior
Vice President
4) Junior Vice President
5) Honorary Secretary
6) Honorary Assistant Secretary
7) Honorary Treasurer
8) Honorary Match Secretary
9) Honorary Assistant Match Secretary
10) Honorary League Secretary
11) Honorary Competition Secretary
12) Immediate Past President
13) Bowls England Representative
14) Four members nominated from Group
Meetings (one from each Group, who shall be
Called the Group
Representative as set out in the Men’s Rules and Regulations
15) County Administrator (with no vote)
(f) Norfolk Bowls Association
Women’s Management Committee comprising
1) President
2) Senior Vice President
3) Junior Vice President
4) Honorary Secretary
5) Honorary Assistant Secretary
5) Honorary Treasurer
6) Honorary Benevolent Fund Secretary
7) Honorary Competition Secretary
8) Immediate Past President.
9) Bowls England Representative
10) County Administrator (with no vote)
Nominations for all positions to the
above Management Committees must be submitted in writing to the respective Honorary Secretaries not later
than the 31st August in every year, accompanied
by the written consent of the candidate. The role and responsibilities of the Men’s and Women’s Management committees are
defined in the Association Rules and Regulations
of each gender.
(g) Women’s Council comprising
Management Committee together with two delegates from each Women’s affiliated club. The Council will meet as required to ensure necessary
liaison and exchange of information between the Management Committee and
affiliated clubs.
(h) Honorary Life Members
Past Presidents and Honorary Life members of the Norfolk County EBA Association
and the Norfolk Women’s Bowling
Association shall become Honorary Life Members of the Association (HLM). The gender Management Committees shall also
have power to elect HLMs for
special services rendered to the game. All past County Presidents shall be
elected HLM. All HLMs shall be
entitled to attend General or Special Meetings
6 Matters of Urgency and Resolution
of Disputes
Any matter of urgency or any
dispute arising between or amongst affiliated clubs or members thereof, as to the meaning or interpretation of the
laws of the game, or any of the rules,
bye-laws, regulations or conditions, or any point not covered by the laws,
rules, bye- laws, regulations and
conditions or any matter, of practice, policy or complaint, which it shall hold to be within its jurisdiction,
shall be referred to the respective Management Committee,
who shall be empowered to resolve and adjudicate. Seven members of the Management Committee shall form a quorum.
7 Executive
Board in Appeal
any party is dissatisfied with the decision of the Management Committee in
paragraph (6) they may appeal to
the Executive Board. The subject of
reference or appeal must be stated in
writing to the County Administrator, within 14 days of receiving written notification
of the decision. The County
Administrator shall within 14 days of the appeal or as so soon thereafter as shall be practicable call
a Special Meeting of the Executive Board to discuss and determine the appeal. Seven members of the Executive
Board shall form a quorum. The parties
affected by the appeal shall be entitled to attend the meeting and to be heard.
The decision of the Executive Board shall
be final, notwithstanding any right of appeal to Bowls England
8 Severance
of Membership
shall be competent to the Executive Board after due investigation of the facts,
and if need be, the examination of
witnesses and relevant evidence, to suspend or terminate the membership of any Club or member thereof, but
such Club or member shall have a right of Appeal
to the Annual Meeting against any decision, provided the Appeal, is made on
behalf of the Club, be signed by
its Honorary Secretary and lodged with the Administrator of the County Association within 21 days of the Executive Board decision.
Such appeal shall state the ground
or grounds on which it is made.
9. Expenses
Amounts of expenses for the
forthcoming year shall be decided upon at the AGM and paid by the 1st October. Any
Officer being considered for such payments must withdraw from the meeting whilst discussion takes place.
10 Annual
and Other Special General Meetings
shall be no fixed Annual General Meeting of the Association but, should the
need arise, a Special General Meeting
may be called at any time by a decision of the Executive Committee or at the request of one or more
member clubs of the Association. Twenty-eight days
notice of any such General Meeting shall be given and 15 members shall form a quorum. At any such General Meeting, only
items on the agenda may be discussed
At Special General Meetings of the
Association, voting shall be otherwise than by show of hands when considered necessary by the Chairperson.
Each affiliated club will be
entitled to be represented at Special General Meetings by their Men’s Club Delegate and Women’s
Council Delegate or their appointed representatives. Members of all clubs may attend any Special General Meeting
and take part in business but only
Delegates, Honorary Life Members and members of the Executive Board will be
allowed to vote.
11 Standing Orders
a Special General Meeting and the
Council Meetings the mover of a motion, but not the mover of an amendment,
shall have the right of reply, immediately after which reply the question shall
be put and a vote taken. No other person shall be allowed to speak more than
once on the same motion, unless permission to explain is given by the
Chairperson, or, in exceptional circumstances, by the consent of three quarters
of those voting.
The mover of a motion, when exercising his right to
reply, shall not introduce new matters,
but confine his reply to questions raised in the discussion. The seconder of a motion or an amendment thereto, may do so
formally, and exercise his right to speak
at a later period of the discussion. A seconder must be from a different club than the mover. A direct negative to
a motion is not a legitimate amendment. All amendments
must be relevant to the motion under discussion. If an amendment be negatived, then another amendment may be
moved to the motion under discussion,
but only one amendment shall be submitted to the Meeting at one time.
12. Team Selections.
selection of teams for both County Friendly and National Competitions is as set
out in the Association Rules and Regulations of each
13. Insurance
Association will obtain and effect Policies of Insurance for all County
Trophies and against Public and Civil
Indemnity:- Each member of the
Association (to the extent that such person is not entitled to recover under any policy of Insurance) shall be
entitled to be indemnified out of any
and all funds available to the Association, which may lawfully be so applied
against all costs, expenses and
liabilities whatsoever incurred by such person in the proper execution and discharge of duties undertaken on
behalf of the Association arising therefrom and incurred in good faith in the purported discharge of such
14. Liquidation
the event of the liquidation of the Association the funds and assets of the
Association remaining after its debts
and liabilities have been satisfied, including the costs and expenses of liquidation, shall be distributed
by the Association in a General Meeting to a sporting body which is established substantially or primarily
for the purpose of promoting any game or sport,
providing that the game or sport is conducted for the recreation and benefit of
the general public of the County
of Norfolk and no part of the income or other funds of the body corporate operating such sport is used
or available to be used for the pecuniary profit of any proprietor, member or shareholder.
15. Disciplinary
code of Practice to deal with any disciplinary matters as set out in the Rules
and Regulations of Bowls England.
16. Honorary
Treasurer and Honorary Secretary
The Gender Honorary Secretaries shall keep a record of
all the business transacted at the Gender Annual and Management Committee
meetings and shall submit to the Gender Annual
Meeting reports of the proceedings of the Association since the previous Annual
The Gender Honorary Treasurers shall submit to the
Gender Annual Meeting a precise account
of the income and expenditure to 30th September ‘Subject to Examination’.
An Examiner of Accounts shall be appointed at the
Gender Annual Meetings
Copies of the Statement of Income and Expenditure
Account shall be sent to the Gender Officers
of each Management Committee, the Delegates and the Honorary Secretary of each affiliated club 28 days before the Annual
17. County
and National competitions
All County and National
competitions shall be confined to such clubs as have joined the Association.
shall be played under the rules and regulations of Bowls England and shall be
under the control of the
Association, who shall determine all questions of dispute that do not come within the scope of the umpires
decision. The general rules covering the
playing of these competitions are set
out in Bowls England Regulation 31, and the Association Rules and Regulations of each gender as appropriate.
18. County Colours
County colours of the Association shall be Red Blue and White for Men and Red
Yellow and Black for Women.
19. County
qualifications for the award of a County Badge are set out in the Association
Rules and Regulations of each
20. Amendments
to Constitution
Constitution may be rescinded, amended or added to only by a proposal when at
least two thirds of the eligible
votes are cast in favour by Delegates present and voting at a Special General Meeting of the Association
convened for that purpose. Notices of motions shall
be given in writing to the Honorary County Administrator and upon receipt of a
Notice of Motion the Administrator will discuss the
subject matter with the Executive Board and if advised
by them will give 28 days’ notice of a Special General Meeting to members. Any amendments to the Constitution will not come
into effect until thirty days have passed after such amendments have been approved by the Association.